Hungrybox buys 240 tacos from Taco Bell after successful Twitch stream

Source: Hungrybox


While the Super Bowl often takes up a lot of people's focus, Hungrybox still managed to have a successful stream on February 13 thanks to a promise he made to his fans. 


To get the Super Smash Bros. community hype, Hungrybox announced that he would be doing a 90-minute stream that would result in him buying Taco Bell tacos equivalent to the amount of his new sub total after the stream. 


"May god have mercy on our souls," Hungrybox added. 



Hungrybox added that he called the nearby Taco Bell beforehand to warn them that a massive order was incoming. He also promised to give away tacos to the homeless since there was no way Hungrybox and his friends could finish all of them. 


Hungrybox soon realized during his stream that he had over 400 subs and told Inven Global that he had to cap the taco count at 240 to avoid overworking the employees at Taco Bell. Hungrybox ultimately ended up getting 20 party packs. On top of that, he tipped the staff $250 for dealing with such a crazy order. 



After the Taco Bell mission was complete, Hungrybox headed to downtown Orlando to give out hundreds of tacos to homeless people. In a tweet, Hungrybox noted that he had to deliver them right away or they would become soggy overnight. 


"Much love to the stream yesterday for raising the funds," Hungrybox tweeted. 



The Super Smash Bros. community reacted positively to the surprise stream overall. It was a feel-good moment during a hectic, fun weekend that made viewers feel they were part of an impactful cause. 


But this is Smash we're talking about. A few people replied with frustration at Hungrybox's tweet about feeding the homeless. Some felt that he could have just done it without sharing the good deed to the world, which made it seem like a publicity stunt instead of a genuine act of care. But Hungrybox and his fans pointed out that the post was all part of the process. 


"Actually, I had promised my viewers about six hours prior that I’d be posting proof of what I’d be doing with the leftover food so they knew where their money was going... So this would be following through on that promise. But go off, king," Hungrybox replied to one salty Smash player. 

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