Noble Esports employees quit en masse, as workers allege the org refused to pay them

Update 2/8/2022: Owner of Noble Kyle McDougal released a statement after reactivating the Noble Twitter account, claiming that any failure to pay is related to bank issues, and telling workers missing payment "you will be paid for your work."

Original Article: Noble Esports abruptly deactivated its Twitter account on Monday, following allegations from its now former-Content Director Alice, former-Partnerships Manager Dan "Dizbog" Goodman, and other members of the Noble social media team, that the organization failed to pay directors, social media creators, and designers within the organization. Following the allegations, numerous Noble employees announced their resignations.


Shortly before the deactivation of the account, the Noble social media team posted a Tweet calling out the organization for refusing to pay them. The Tweet stated "Hello Noble Fans. This is the social media team; we will not be working until we ALL receive the payment that was promised in our contracts. #StayUnpaid." The Tweet was soon deleted, followed by the rest of the account.


Former Noble Content Director Alice released a statement clarifying her allegations against the organization on Monday.



Alice stated in a Twitlonger: "I spent 1 year and 1 month working as Content Director for Noble Esports. I and the content team created record social media growth for the organization. We wrote all official statements and webpage text. We fulfilled our end of our contracts and Kyle McDougal did not."


She continued, "Today, without paying us for our work OR formally terminating our contracts, Kyle has deactivated the @NobleGG Twitter account. I am missing a month of salary, as well as all of my work samples from the past year. It is incredibly frustrating and unfair. It is not our fault that the community has become aware of Kyle's wrongdoings."


In a separate statement given to Inven Global on the matter, Alice said: "This is far from the first time a late/suspicious payment has occurred, and far from the first time that Noble's owner has irresponsibly censored or deleted things from its social media. I also want to say that it's not a matter of not having the funds to pay; Noble has the money to fairly pay staff and players but Kyle is choosing not to."


Noble Partnership Manager Dan "Dizbog" Goodman also announced on Monday that he is leaving the organization, citing the unpaid workers as one of his reasons for departing.


In a statement posted to Twitter, Goodman said to Kyle McDougal: "What upsets me most is how you parade around being the Nobility man everyone sees you as, you have people who bought our merchandise, yet the designer who spent 2 months of their lives working on... unpaid. You have players, staff, and we even achieved having "T-Pain" represent us in some of the most horrendously broadcasted "Nobility" tournaments... unpaid. These are real people who played, created for, streamed for, managed for, and represented for... Noble. Pay. Them. Back."



Numerous Noble employees announced their resignation from the organization on Monday, including Fogi, Ivy, Lupa, Alice, Impulse, Rakkinishu, Villa, and Dizbog.



Noble has not yet released an official statement addressing the allegations against the organization and McDougal. This is a developing situation, we will update this story as we learn more information.


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