Affordable, Ergonomic, and Clean — KILLABEE Chairs

Guest Reporter



It feels like gaming chairs always have two big problems: they’re expensive, and they’re not very good for your back. It’s true when critics say they can be unhealthy, as many brands emphasize appearance and extra features over long-term health. Even shelling out up to $500 for top of the market brand name chairs, there’s still a chance it’s not very ergonomic. 


We searched far and wide for a great alternative — and we’ve found one. Enter KILLABEE, a company founded in 2013 focused entirely on creating ergonomic and affordable gaming chairs. It’s easy to appreciate a company that starts designing a product from a health and affordability point of view, and we think they really nailed it as a global brand in a new space. Maybe even most impressively, they have a 30-day return policy if you don’t like the chair, no questions asked. 


KILLABEE has an interesting variety of chairs. Ranging from their classic series to the big-and-tall series, KILLABEE has tons of options with unique attributes to each. Unlike many of their competitors, KILLABEE offers a 9015 and 8204 series for under 200 USD. This is very uncommon, but we love to see an option for people with a smaller budget or just looking to try out gaming chairs. Even on these budget friendly models, though, you’ll still find high end features such as the reclinable footrest and removable lumbar support. 


If you’re looking for something with all the bells and whistles, the big-and-tall series is right in line with the typical “gamer throne” that you’ll see your favorite streamer use. The only difference is that KILLABEE chairs max out at 300 USD, which is still pretty cheap in the world of luxury chairs. 


As you’d expect, KILLABEE offers tons of different color and model variation to try and please everyone — including you, so check out the website here and treat yourself to an ergonomic and affordable gaming chair. 



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