OGN APEX D3: BK Stars Twilight & REUNITED vallutaja

▲ BK Stars Twilight

You're now up 2-0 in groups - how does it feel?

Pretty good, because today's match was rather easy.

As an amateur squad, did you expect to perform so well against professional teams?

At first, I thought we wouldn't even qualify for APEX, but my confidence has continuously grown since then. Now I feel confident enough to go up against anyone.

Thoughts during the 3-0 victory?

I felt we were the much better team and thus believed a clean sweep would be more than feasible.

You used Mei on Hanamura defense today. How much practice did you have on her?

I swapped to Mei just to stall for time, but ended up with an ultimate gauge too respectable to throw away. Mei was more effective on defense than I had expected her to be.

Did today's patch influence your series today in any way?

Not really, no. The latest patch will not shift the meta very much - maybe we will see Widowmaker again every now and then, but that would be about it.

Your next opponent is NRG eSports.

I have been impressed with Seagull's Mei. NRG will be a tough opponent, but I am confident in our chances as long as we prepare well.

Personal goals for this tournament?

As of this moment, reaching the semifinals.

Any last words?

Please support us with love! [laughs]

▲ REUNITED vallutaja

Thoughts on your victory today?

Korean players are quite skilled. I am happy and relieved to have won.

Reasons behind your defeat last Monday?

Run Away performed very well, especially Haksal on Genji. Korean teams seem to always have everyone on the same page. Today, we prepared Reaper and Mei to counter what the opposition would bring. Our plan worked.

How different is the Korean meta from the European meta?

Zenyatta can be seen quite often in NA and EU, but in KR, he is nonexistent.

Why do you think Western teams are having problems against Korean teams?

Korean teams play a fast-paced and hyperaggressive style that is not played anywhere else. It was difficult to adapt to their Genji-tipped blitzes right away. We are growing accustomed to the Korean approach, however, and should be able to better deal with it in the future.

How are you planning to prepare for your next match?

uNFixed and Winghaven are set to leave for BlizzCon soon. They will work on their individual chops in America, and we will do the same in Korea.

Any last words?

There was a big crowd today - thank you all for coming. I was surprised at how many fans recognized us and said hello. We will practice even harder. Please continue to support us.

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