Former SCUF employee releases sexual harassment allegations against company

TW: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault

A former employee of the popular gaming peripheral company Scuf Gaming, who goes by vivisquid online, came forward on Monday with allegations of sexual harassment against numerous Scuf Gaming employees.


According to vivisquid, not only did multiple SCUF employees harass them while at the company, but also the company did nothing to address this harassment when they reported it to their superiors.


"I am still under an NDA obligation with the company, so I cannot/will not speak on how the actual company operates," they explained. "But I am under no contractual obligation to keep my personal experiences with other employees a secret."


According to their Twitlonger, at least five Scuf employees engaged in harassing behavior during their time with the company:


  1. An employee labeled Dee allegedly snapped and threw a controller at vivisquid, as well as allegedly resented them and ignored them for "intruding on a workplace that was safe for men."
  2. An employee labeled Avery allegedly gossiped with Vivisquid's boss about who was going to have sex with her first, was "constantly getting touchy", repeatedly made unwanted advances toward them, and allegedly stated " no one would want to rape [them]" when they rejected those advances.
  3. Employees labeled Robert and Christian allegedly gossiped with coworkers about vivisquid, demanded they report issues to them instead of reporting them to HR, and when they did go to HR regarding the employee labeled Avery, she was allegedly chastized for "making things difficult in their department."
  4. An employee labeled Jakob was allegedly "mega flirty with every girl at work." Vivisquid alleges that Jakob groped her breasts while drunk at a company party, as well as engaged in other forms of sexual harassment.
  5. An employee labeled Jay allegedly sexually harassed multiple women, sent Vivisquid articles about losing weight with no context, would wait for them in the parking lot after work, and would repeatedly eavesdrop on her conversations.


Vivisquid explained that they reported "all this shit to my lead and manager immediately, nothing happened."


Vivisquid also detailed that she was fired over a Tweet she made venting about another employee being "a creep" that was reported to HR, after that employee allegedly searched her phone without her permission to discover her Twitter account.


In follow-up tweets, vivi further alleged that their boss called them after they were fired and apologized for not reporting the harassment. They also explained that their keycard couldn't access the front office area, which is where HR was located, meaning they would have to ask for permission to speak to HR. 



"I was so excited to have a job for a popular gaming company, but if I could take back those two years of experience, I would," they stated. "The pay was really good, but I was incredibly suicidal my entire time there. If it were not for my partner unknowingly always being there when I needed someone to talk to, I would absolutely have ended my life due to the distress that I had to endure. I wish I never experienced any of this."


They concluded their Twitlonger saying, "it's not just Activision-Blizzard, it happens everywhere."

Scuf Gaming responds to the allegations of abuse

Scuf Gaming responded to the allegations of abuse in a Twitter statement on Monday, saying, "we are very concerned by a recent post from a former SCUF employee regarding an allegation of sexual harassment. This is something we take extremely seriously and we are urgently investigating this matter to take further additional actions internally."


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