David V. Kimball shows off incredible Slippy Toad mod for Melee

Source: Galint Summer Open Super Smash Bros Melee tournament

Don't worry, Slippy's here!


Well, not really. But we did get to see a really cool trailer of a Slippy Toad concept mod created by David V. Kimball and his collaborators. The mod features a Slippy model from Nick BIzzozero and a Fox/Falco hybrid moveset created by MagicScrumpy. 


The trailer, released on Friday, showed off what is arguably the best Slippy Toad mod ever produced. Kimball created the mod in collaboration with Daniel Dizzle, with a model from Nick Bizzozero's, and a moveset from Scrumpy. The video trailer featured TAS clips created by B&D Games.



The video was also shown at the conclusion of the Galint Summer Open Super Smash Bros Melee tournament, where the mod caught the eye and reaction of the Galint Summer 2021 Melee winner Juan "Hungrybox" DeBiedma. 


"It's Fox's up-smash, with Falco's DAIR,  Falco's shine, Luigi's wavedash, and Fox's recovery. Yeah, why not?" Said the excited Hbox. "And Fox up-air of course!? What the f*ck?"



For those who were hoping to get their hands on this mod, you will not be able to. Kimball clarified in the video description, "a fully-working version of what's seen in the trailer is not available for download as a pack, although you may browse the linked sources if you'd like. These trailers are just concepts and are meant to be made for fun."


While the character pack won't be available for download, it was still a fascinating and high production look at what a playable Slippy echo fighter could look like in Melee.



It kind of makes me wish we could get Slippy Toad in Melee...

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