In the 2021 Mid-Season Invitational, Royal Never Give Up got their second loss of the tournament. They had a good start by defeating PSG Talon, but they lost to Cloud9 in their second match of the day. Despite their loss against Cloud9, RNG is still one of the favorites in this tournament. After their Rumble Stage Day 4 matches were concluded, Yan “Wei” Yang-wei joined Inven for an interview.
With today’s match, you’ve sealed a spot in the semifinals. Which team would you like to meet at the semifinals?
It doesn't really matter which team we meet in the semifinals. Whoever we meet, there are things to learn, so I want to meet all of them.
You had a good match against PSG Talon. Did you know from the group stage that PSG Talon is such a good team? What are PSG Talon’s strengths?
From when we scrimmed PSG Talon, we knew they were a strong team. They play through their jungle, and their bot lane is strong. Another strength would be that their mid laner has good synergy with his jungler and support.
What are the differences between LPL junglers and the junglers on the international stage?
I don’t think there’s a big difference between LPL junglers and junglers on the international stage. Rather than the difference being a regional thing, what the junglers do vary by team.
Rumble, Morgana, and Udyr are in the center of MSI 2021’s jungle meta. Which champion do you prefer the most?
I would say Udyr. He’s the most fun to play and I’m the most confident in playing him.
After playing against DWG KIA several times, I assume you would know them well. Which team in the LPL has the most similar style?
I felt that EDward Gaming has the most similar style. Both teams play their macro game through vision.
Which teammate in RNG do you trust the most in-game?
I would have to say the two dage(big brother)s of the team, Xiaohu and Ming. I trust the two veterans the most.
Lastly, what’s the first thing you want to do if you were to win the MSI and return to China?
If we really were to win the MSI, I think I’ll need to prepare for the summer season well. [Laughs].
Anything else?
Since the summer season starts right after the MSI, I think I would need to hurry to prepare for the summer season.
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