On the 15th (KST), DAMWON Gaming took down Team Dynamics on day 40 of the 2020 LCK Summer split. DWG was able to quickly snowball through their upper lanes and was able to quickly 2:0 DYN. With Jayce being flexed into the mid lane and even playing Azir, a champion that ShowMaker rarely played in the Summer split, they were able to show a different side and still take the swift victory.
The mid laner for DWG, ShowMaker, joined the press room for a post match interview.
How does it feel to take the victory tonight?
It really feels good to win. Today, our top-jungle really did well, so I definitely got carried.
Can you tell us why you picked Azir, a champion that you haven’t played at all during the Summer split?
I think that Azir as a champion is good, but I personally don’t like it. In our draft, we concluded that Azir was the best champion to play, so I ended up playing it. Before each match, we always have a meeting about the draft and its direction. Today’s ended up being centered around Karma-Azir. Our draft can always change, and we’ll be using different draft patterns in the playoffs as well.
You also played Jayce, which is a pick that Nuguri likes to play in the top lane. What are your thoughts on mid Jayce?
Jayce is a really strong champion during the laning phase, and it all depends on how well a player can play him. I played him a lot in the past as well, and because he can be played in both mid and top, I decided to play him today.
You’re competing against your teammates in the POG race.
While I’m conscious about it, it’s not my highest priority. I’d rather take the quick 2:0 and go home early.
The 2020 LoL World Championships is coming soon. There are teams that need to leave for Worlds only a couple of days after the regional qualifiers.
I think the teams playing in the qualifiers will be very busy, so we’re trying our hardest to directly qualify for Worlds.
Many around the world are saying that DWG is one of the top teams in the world.
The interest in our team has grown a lot in recent days. We’ve received a lot of attention due to our scrim results, so I think now it’s time for us to prove ourselves through stage results.
DWG still has yet to play in any finals. If you play in the finals this split, how do you think you’ll feel?
I think I’ll be very nervous and have a lot of butterflies in my stomach. It’s not easy to play on the finals stage, so just getting there holds a lot of meaning. However, I’ll only be remembered if I lift the championship trophy, so I really want to win.
DWG’s next opponent is T1. Recently, the team did very well against T1, so do you think that momentum will continue?
I really don’t know why we’re especially strong against T1. There’s a different reason for that each time we meet them. We’ll make sure to prepare well to continue riding this momentum.
The rookie mid laner for T1, Clozer, is playing very well these days. How do you see the matchup going?
With Clozer starting for the team, T1’s playstyle changed. They’ve become more aggressive, and their overall level of gameplay has been elevated. However, T1 has yet to beat the top teams, so I’ll be able to tell how good Clozer is when he plays against us or DRX.
Lastly, is there anything you want to say?
We’re in 1st place of the regular season. We’ll make sure to beat our remaining two matches against T1 and KT to head directly to the finals. Please continue to cheer on for us.
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