The "Week of (LCS) Upsets" is no more and the LEC is back! Things are beginning to seem a bit more normal. Fnatic avoided the Bust list (finally), which is nice, replaced by G2 instead (who took three slots on it this week). Origen did the opposite, claiming most of the Booms for themselves, and making this the "Week of Upset" instead.
BOOM — Alphari — Origen (LEC)
Barney "Alphari" Morris has been talked about as the best Top Laner in the LEC for a little while now, and he finally makes it pay off for his Fantasy fans, scoring 54 points on a $250,000 salary. He had two incredible matches in Week 6, with an 18 KDA, only dying once between the two games. Furthermore, he played both sides of the Kennen vs Malphite duo, winning each way, showcasing his talent and strength in the LEC. He now sits at the highest points per game of all Top Laners who have played the entire season. Look to grab him if you can.

BUST — Wunder — G2 Esports (LEC)
G2 did not have a great week back in the LEC. In fact, they've not had a great Summer Split, sitting at 6th place with a 5-6 record. One of G2's matchups was Origen, so it makes sense that we find them on the opposite end of the Booms and Busts list this week. Martin "Wunder" Hansen did not handle Alphari well, and didn't do particularly great in their next game against league leaders, Mad Lions, either. Wunder put up a mere 18 points, not coming close to matching his $280,000 cost. He and G2 have a lot of work to do if they're ever going to be worth their hefty salaries.
BOOM — Xerxe — Origen (LEC)
This guy was turning heads last Worlds, often times seemingly solo carrying Splyce through their games, helping take them all the way to the Quarterfinals against SKT (now T1). Now, Andrei "Xerxe" Dragomir had some more pop off performances, ending with a 23 KDA and deathless across nearly 80 minutes of gameplay. No deaths means no loss of points, leaving him with 50 points for his $240,000. Keep Xerxe in mind for your future picks!
BUST — Santorin — FlyQuest (LCS)
FlyQuest had another rough week, both in the LCS and in E1 Fantasy. Lucas "Santorin" Larsen cost $290,000 last week, but scored only 16 points. While he had a strong game against TSM, which set up for a potentially great weekend, he went 0/3/2 against Cloud9. Both games were low kills overall, and relatively quick, leaving him with little farm to help buff up his points. FLY has been in a bit of a mid-season slump, so hold off on your picks for now.
BOOM — ZaZee — SK Gaming (LEC)
SK Gaming had an incredible week! They'd likely all be on this list, but literally every single one of them made the "Top Scorers" list (other than ZaZee) so you can find them all there. ZaZee himself was the third top scorer, but cost considerably less than the first two, sitting at a $240,000 salary and raking in nearly 65 points for his drafters. The other mid lane Boom would be Goldenglue, who cost only $50,000 but brought in nearly 45 points. SK and ZaZee are unlikely to pop off as hard ever again, but consider picking up a couple depending on schedule in the future.

BUST — PowerOfEvil — FlyQuest (LCS)
Oh no. Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage finds himself on the Busts list two weeks in a row. FlyQuest had a really disappointing 0-2 in Week 5, and their 1-1 bounce back wasn't enough to help in the points department, playing against the 1st and 3rd place teams in Week 6. POE cost $300,000, but couldnt pull it together, scoring 20 points on the weekend. He basically had the same stats as his Jungler, but as a mid laner got some extra farm to give him those 4 additional points. Find some more consistent teams for your picks for now.
BOOM — Upset — Origen (LEC)
One more for the books; Origen is back at it again! Also, after Week 6, Elias "Upset" Lipp is now the highest average scoring player across ALL POSITIONS. 25 kills and assists + no deaths + nearly 800 farm = A LOT OF POINTS! Upset was right in the middle of the salaries for AD Carries in Week 6 at $290,000 but scored 69 points! Go ahead and compare that to the numbers below...
BUST — Perkz — G2 Esports (LEC)
Here it is again, G2 Esports on the Bust list. I know I just mentioned the numbers, so without further ado, here they are. Luka "Perkz" Perković cost $350,000 but scored less than 12 points. I don't know what to say other than G2 have not looked like themselves this Split, and it shows. Or maybe they HAVE looked like themselves, but less talented. Who knows. Luckily for them, there are still a few weeks left before Playoffs, and there's plenty of time to get their act together. But until then, lay off picking them up.

BOOM — CoreJJ — Team Liquid (LCS)
Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in got Player of the Week in Week 6, and rightfully so, he performed out of his mind. Luckily for his fans who picked him up, he made it worth it for them, securing 38 points on a measly $130,000 salary. He and Edward "Tactical" Ra have been performing well this year, and TL is now sitting at first place along with Cloud9. Remember that as you construct your rosters moving forward.
BUST — Mikyx— G2 Esports (LEC)
After seeing Perkz on the Bust list, it's really no surprise to find his Support, Mihael "Mikyx" Mehle here as well. Unfortunately for him, Support doesn't farm, and they often lay themselves out for their team. That means... Mikyx died a lot, and often with no assists in return. Despite costing $170,000, Mikyx brought in NEGATIVE points for those who picked him up, sitting at -0.46. I said it above, but really maybe just lay low on the G2 selections for now.
BOOM — Origen (LEC)
Again, no surprise! It's Origen's 4th Boom! They came in with 53 points across their two wins, with a middling salary of $230,000. They just about maxed out their overall possible objectives, getting all but one turret, a few Barons, 6 Drakes, and more. They're much more expensive this week, but maybe they're a good choice since they've had such clean, complete wins.

BUST — Counter Logic Gaming (LCS)
CLG had a really disappointing week. They had the two last place teams on their schedule in Dignitas and Immortals, but failed to win either game. Furthermore, they barely secured any objectives. After two games, they totaled only six towers, one Drake, and three Rift Heralds. Their easy schedule gave them a high salary, so their failure makes it that much more of a Bust. For $290,000, they only claimed 18 points. They won't have another schedule this easy again for the rest of the season, so unless you're a true believer, choose another team.
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