Team Liquid’s win over Dignitas featured Doublelift’s first professional Miss Fortune game


In 639 games as a professional League of Legends player, Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng had never played a single game of Miss Fortune. That changed, however, in week 5, day 3 of the 2020 League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split.


Team Liquid, searching for its fourth win of the season, took its most aggressive composition of the season into its Monday Night League matchup against Dignitas. Doublelift’s Miss Fortune and the Zoe of Mid Laner Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen did the lion’s share of the damage in TL’s cleanest win of the season.


It’s unbelievable to think that a near-decade of professional play, Doublelift’s Miss Fortune debut was his most recent performance. The Bounty Hunter is one of the original champions, available for play since the start of League of Legends, and has been a strong AD Carry pick in the young 2020 season. Recent nerfs to Senna and subsequent perma-banning of Aphelios has pushed Miss Fortune to the forefront of the meta, and by extension, into the hands of Doublelift.


Doublelift’s five most played champions historically are Lucian (66 games, 66.7% WR), Caitlyn (65 games, 52.3% WR), Tristana (62 games, 66.1% WR), Ezreal (56 games, 57.1% WR), and Sivir (46 games, 71.7% WR). Doublelift’s legacy Vayne sits at a 44.4% win rate in 45 games, and his Ashe has been quietly excellent to the tune of a 72.2% win rate across 36 games.


Miss Fortune is finally part of the Doublelift club, but she will need plenty of more games to be up there with his main picks. However, should her current standing in the meta remain through the next few patches, Miss Fortune should see plenty of play on Team Liquid’s side of the rift.

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