[8.20.1]Mid Katarina Guide
(Last updated on October 17, 2018)
Views 9.1K
[8.20.1]Mid Katarina Guide
(Last updated on October 17, 2018)
Views 9.1K
lux will try to poke you with e and autoattacks when you go for last hitting so setup some daggers with your q on minions and take advantage of her q and w being on cd.
quickly jump on her if she misses the q+e combo and never engage if her e is up.
this is probably the easiest matchup for katarina since you can easly shunpo out of his e and then land a full combo on him.
keep tracking of her passive if she uses her stun on a minion quickly trade with her and e out so you don't get bursted.
start long sword since orianna has the lowest armor in early levels, she will try to zone you out of cs with her q , you can trade with her if her w or e is on cd.
always dodge her charm with your shunpo and if she misses it you can get a good trade with the e+w+q combo, when she hits 6 she becomes hard to kill since her ult give her 3 dashes.
fizz can outdamage you pretty hard if he lands all his abilities so try your best to dodge his e with your shunpo and take advantage of it if its on cooldown, be careful when his ult his up he has a high kill pressure than you try to stay near minions so you can dodge his fish then land a full combo on him.
always pop his shield and his bone plating first with your q before engaging on him , never engage on him with a q +e because he can windwall your q and deny you the shunpo reset , yasuo is very good at long trades because of conqueror so you will need to land your combo and then quickly shunpo out.
if he uses his q to farm you can land a full combo on him , start with a long sword so you can do some extended trades since his passive has a cooldown , setup some q daggers when he goes to last hit a minion, when he hits 6 he becomes more harder to kill so try to always leave some abilities like w or ult so you can kill him after he ults.
you need to avoid getting hit by her bubble and her long range q's, zoe is very immobile so take advantage of her e being on cooldown and engage on her. always put some wards in both rivers because she will try to snipe you with her e and then kill you.
in this matchup all you need is to farm and roam because she can outdamage you really hard due to her passive bonus damage and attack speed, if you get hit by her e or ult you are probably dead so always dodge it with your shunpo.
this one is a skill matchup but slightly in akali's favour because her ult can cancel your ult, if her w is on cooldown you can do some quick trades and get out to safety.
this is one of the hardest counters to katarina due to his passive that reduces magic damage and his q thats gives him a magic damage, personally i ban him every game because he outdamages you in every stage of the game and his scaling is so op, in lane never poke him your q since he can deny all that damage and then damage you, pre 6 if his q is down do a quick e+w+q combo and shunpo out, careful when you should never ult him if his q is up because it cancels it.
in this matchup you need to farm only with q in early levels, its okay to miss some cs because its better than dying, never engage if her w is up , try to shove the wave and then roam to get some kills.
i feel like this one is also is a skill matchup but you can still win it if you dodge zed's w+e+q with ur shunpo and don't be afraid to trade with him when his shadow is on cd, always keep tracking of his level because if he hits 6 before you he can kill you so easly.
Hey guys, im a Katarina otp for a year now , i reached plat 5 this season and i want to share with you guys the things i know about katarina in my first guide here so i hope you will like it!
Passive : Voracity
This passive is what makes Katarina the teamfighting aoe assasin , it has 2 parts
First part : all your abilities cooldown get reduced by 15 second when you get a kill or an assist within 3 seconds so be sure to get as much kills as you can in teamfights to get your abilities faster.
second part : when you catch a dagger from your
Q : Bouncing blade
This is your main farming ability in the laning phase , it basically throws a dagger to the targeted enemy then it bounces to 2 nearby enemies and then it lands 350 units on the opposite side of the enemy that you targeted. A useful thing that you can do with
W : Preparation
atarina throws a dagger in the air then it lands after 1.25 seconds and you gain bonus movement speed for 1.25 seconds , this ability can be used for chasing/trading/dodging and mainly for getting e resets, i will explain more in the combos section.
This is what makes "small tip : you can shunpoto your daggers before they land on the ground :)".
R : Death lotus
This ultimate helps you deal more damage in teamfights,
Katarina has a lot of combos that needs practice and time to master them, here are some of the combos that i use :
Q + E Combo : you can use this when you want to cheese the enemy and get lvl 2 first, you just
Q + E + W + E out Combo : if you think you cant kill your opponent with a full rotation you can do this combo for some juicy damage and at the end
E + W + Q + E Combo : This is Katarina's best combo imo , you can almost everytime land both daggers with this combo but the previous one its more likely that you gonna hit only one, you also gonna use this combo in teamfights when you get resets.
E + W + Q + Gunblade + R + E : After getting you power spike item
W + E + Q + Gunblade + R + E : This combo is very situational and you can do it when you run away from your enemies, you throw your
I hope you guys enjoyed my first Katarina guide and remember Katarina is just a faceroll champ Kappa.
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