League of Legends announces Mecha Kingdoms skin line—goes live one day after Sett's rumored release date

New skins for League of Legends champions flow continuously. Oftentimes the wardrobe of existing skin lines is simply extended to more champions, but new skin lines are always in development as well. Riot Games has announced one of those new skin lines, with a series they've titled Mecha Kingdoms, giving five champions a new suit.


The announcement trailer features Jax telling the story of the great kingdoms of Runeterra—the world of League of Legends. According to the staff-wielding narrator, those kingdoms warred among themselves for a good while, until "a new enemy" appeared. In search of power to defeat this new common enemy huge Mecha suits were granted to the kingdoms. In the announcement video, the shape of a dragon can be seen in the clouds when Jax speaks of the new enemy to defeat.

There are a couple of dragons already in League of Legends—think of Aurelion Sol and Shyvana—but it's unlikely Jax is speaking of those as "a new enemy." What's more likely is that Jett, the rumored new champion Riot will release after Aphelios has hit the live servers, plays a role in the story. Website Surrender at 20 datamined a 'calling card' for Sett, an item players would be able to open on January 14th 2020. The Mecha Kingdoms skins join the game just one day later, on January 15th. The timing seems too perfect: a new champion, a new threat arises, so existing champions have to suit up to defeat it.

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