KZ PawN: "Maybe it is because of former team or teammates, but we play with more passion to win...I wanted to show everyone that I was better than Ucal."

On the 26th, Kingzone Dragon X beat Afreeca Freecs 2-0.

Facing his old teammate, PawN was determined to win today’s match against Ucal. Not only PawN but TusiN was up against his former team as well. After a 2-0 series win, Kingzone was able to celebrate PawN’s birthday together.

After the games, PawN was interviewed. Let’s see what he has to say about facing Ucal, his birthday, and future games.

¤ Congratulations on your second win today. How do you feel?

Kingzone and Afreeca Freecs have a unique relationship. Ucal and I were both mid laners on kt. On top of this, TusiN’s former team is Afreeca. I think this is why we tried as much, if not more, against Afreeca in today’s game.

¤ What attributed to your previous win and today’s win?

In the match against kt, our first win meant so much when we were 0-2. Granted, all games are important. However, maybe it is because of former team or teammates, we play with more passion to win. It is more so because Ucal was mid laner for kt when I was on the team. There is a rumor that Afreeca wanted to sign Deft but failed. Because of this, I wanted to show everyone that I was better than Ucal.

¤ You won on your birthday. Do you have any special plans?

I am going to eat my birthday cake before this day passes. With this win, I get a day off. Hence why, I feel amazing right now.

¤ Since last match, Afreeca has been using two junglers to switch around their positions. How did you prepare?

We already saw how Afreeca won against Gen.G with Spirit in the bot lane. If they planned to implement that strategy again, we were more than ready to combat against it. In addition, if we put Deft on a strong bot lane champion, we knew that Afreeca’s non ADC bot lane wouldn’t stand a chance.

¤ Recently, teams that are able to make use of Akali well have been seeking priority for her. What is your confidence level on Akali?

I am always comfortable playing OP champions like Aatrox, Akali, and Urgot. Although I was not able to show it yet, I carry in scrims with those champions. If the time comes, I will show you guys an amazing performance.

¤ After two consecutive losses, Kingzone has achieved two consecutive wins. What changed?

We needed time to adjust because our players had a long period of break. I believe our two initially losses gave us time and experience to adjust accordingly. Now, we don’t get pushed around as much as we did before. We are learning. I want to show everyone that we have the performance to beat teams like Griffin and SANDBOX.

¤ Compared to your past performances, do you think you have gained back some of your form?

I think I played my best in 2017 of the KeSPA Cup. Compared to my prime back then, I believe I have recovered around 60% of it. Although my mechanics have dropped since I didn’t play League for a few months, my thought process has evolved. I will bring back my mechanics by spamming solo q.

¤ What are your thoughts on Naehyun? Has he helped you regain your form?

Since 2015, I have always had a sub player. I don’t give much thought over the competition for starting position. This is because the best player will always be the starter. Also, Naehyun has a safer style of play. By 1v1ing each other, we help each other a lot.

¤ Lastly, is there anything you want to say?

I want to thank the organization, coaching staff, and the team for always supporting me. I have a lot of demands, and they are always open to listen and help. The only reason we are able to win like we did today is because of them. Also, I got a lot of birthday presents from my fans yesterday. I am so grateful that they remember and congratulate my birthday every year. Thanks of my fans, I am able to do what I am doing right now.

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