Griffin and Chovy Takes the KeSPA Cup: "I wanted to show the world that I am the best. I was able to do that here at the KeSPA Cup"

On the 31st of December, at Sejong University, the Finals of the 2018 LoL KeSPA Cup took place. The results were a shocking 3-0, and Griffin had set a new record of taking the KeSPA Cup title without dropping a single game. After having displayed fantastic teamwork and individual performance, the Griffin lineup was invited on stage for a post-match interview,

You destroyed the enemy team’s bot lane. Where did your power come from?

Viper: Our source of power is our team’s head coach cvMax. He always leads us well. There’s a lot to learn from him.

From Chovy’s hard carry to Sword’s reliable laning phase -- is everything thanks to cvMax?

Viper: Not to that extent. (Laughs) But I believe he plays a very important role.

This is the first time in which a team had taken a perfect victory here at the KeSPA Cup. How do you feel about this victory?

cvMax: Realistically, the orders I give my players are hard to pull off. But my players are able to do exactly what I order. I think I’m having an easy time as coach thanks to their incredible talent. I’m always thankful for them. I’m a lucky guy, even my birthday is on the 7th of July. (Laughs)

What do you believe fueled Griffin to take the trophy today?

cvMax: Each player on the team has immense potential. Earlier this year, I put a lot of new rules and limitations on the players, trying to establish firm control over them. However, after talking to my players later this year, I listened to each player’s requests and got rid of some of those rules. It was a risky move, but it allowed the players to mature more on their own.

Is there anything you want to say in regards to your future endeavor?

cvMax: We always chase the ideal, and we always try to show better performance than our last. Thank you.

Chovy, you hard carried on Irelia! You made the casters go crazy! How do you feel having taken the victory?

Chovy: I’m very happy with my plays today, and I can’t think of a word to describe how I feel right now… I’m very happy.

Can you proudly say that you’re the best mid laner out of all the teams that competed here at the KeSPA Cup?

Chovy: I wanted to show the world that I am the best. I was able to do that here at the KeSPA Cup. I’ll do my best to maintain my current form and do my best to improve.

You didn’t drop a single game this tournament! How do you feel?

Lehends: It feels great.

I discussed a lot of different things with Viper before the match, and everything worked great on stage. I also want to thank our head coach for everything. Thank you.

How strong is Griffin’s bot lane?

Lehends: While playing at the KeSPA Cup, I evaluated our bot lane’s strength, and I think we’re at a good spot. I’ll do my best to become a better support. Thank you.

There are kills made wherever he goes. The king of jungle is undoubtedly Tarzan! You were able to prove that today. Please tell us how you feel.

Tarzan: My teammates played really well today, so I think I was the one that got carried.

Who carried you?

Tarzan: Everyone. I think everyone got a solo-kill today.

In your opinion, do you think Griffin will take the trophy next LCK split?

Tarzan: Seriously speaking, there’s still a lot of time before the LCK split begins. The other teams will work hard; so we’ll have to work just as hard.

Our goal is to win.

Sword, you played very reliably for the team, playing the top lane role flawlessly. Please tell us how you feel about the victory today.

Sword: I always wanted to become a dependable top laner for the team. However, my head coach told me that it’s not enough to just be a “dependable” top laner, and to develop a keen sense of the game. I want to improve and show more; I still believe I’m lacking.

You saw your players smile, and you must have a lot on your mind yourself. How do you feel?

Coach Byun: The players worked hard, and the results showed. I’m very happy.

Please give a word of encouragement.

Byun: If the players do well next season like how they worked this season, I think we can make it far. I hope next year will become a hard working year for Griffin.

You saw your team win today. You must’ve been itching to play! I’m sure that you learned a lot through spectating today. How do you feel about that victory?

Cabbie: I’m very happy that we won despite the fact that I didn’t do anything. (Laughs) Our support player, Lehends, plays really well, so I’ll improve more as a support player by learning a lot more from him.

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