Six rarest unique items in Diablo 4




Blizzard lead class designer Adam Jackson revealed the six rarest unique items in Diablo 4. According to Adam, the rarest unique items are: Doombringer, The Grandfather, Ring of Starless Skies, Andariel’s Visage, Harlequin Crest, and Melted Heart of Selig. He revealed that these can drop from level 85+ enemies, and to raise the chances of getting them, players should do content that gives the most unique items per period of time. The power of these items is fixed at 820.


The chances of gaining these items haven’t been revealed. Adam simply said that they’re “realllly rare”.


Among the six items, four of them appeared in the previous series. Doombringer and The Grandfather are unique items that appeared across all three Diablo series. Harlequin’s Crest appeared in Diablo 1 and 2, and Andariel’s Visage appeared in 2 and 3.



The attributes of the items that have appeared before are somewhat similar to their old versions, such as Andariel’s Visage having attack speed, or Harlequin Crest having all stats and all skills.


Diablo 4 opened early in June and has been attracting worldwide gamers. It has been announced that more than 666 million USD worth of copies have been sold.


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