"Congratulations to G2 for being the first team to make it out of groups!"

Game 1: G2 vs ROX

?????: "[sighs] I just want to go home... oh wait. I will."
"Congratulations to G2 for being the first team to make it out of groups!"

Game 2: ANX vs CLG

"ANX's group stage performance in a nutshell."

Game 3: CLG vs G2

"Meanwhile, ILostEverything"
[Note: "Dyrus" and "Lost everything" are nearly homophonous in Korean.]

Game 4: ANX vs ROX

???????: "'Easy group', eh?"
"Are you the gods of LCK? We are the gods of the New World."

Game 5: G2 vs ANX

????: "We've rebranded. Please now refer to us as Albus ROX Luna."

Game 6: ROX vs CLG

"BREAKING: Korean flag found flying on the balcony of CLG's quarters. Owner unknown."


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