[LoL All-Star] NA All-Stars Bjergsen and Hauntzer: "There are a lot of things to take away from this loss."

It was unfortunate to see Hauntzer and Bjergsen lose to the SEA All-Star team.

On the 8th of December in LA, the 2017 League of Legends All-Star day 2 game 2 has just finished. In the match against SEA vs NA, SEA was victorious. Hauntzer and Bjergsen picked Jayce and Azir to dedicate a win for their team but could not pull it through. In the interview, Hauntzer explains a little bit on why they might have lost.

Below are the interview responses from TSM’s top and mid, Hauntzer and Bjergsen.

¤ (To Hauntzer) How are you feeling buddy?

Feels pretty bad. I think we got outplayed pretty hard. But, we didn’t have that much practice going into this tournament so...It is to be expected. There are a lot of things to take away from this loss.

¤ Bjergsen?

Yeah, it obviously wasen’t a great game. I think they played pretty well though. In particular, I think Levi is always a consistent player. He had some really key Lee Sin kicks. One on Sneaky at our base and one on me at the very end. If he didn’t get the kick on me there, we would have stalled the game and potentially come back. I think they all played really well, but Levi is the stand out player.

¤ (To Hauntzer) What is it like practicing for a tournament like this where you don’t get much time?

It is actually kind of fun to see how well you are going to do. Because you can’t take it as seriously, you have to try different picks. You are playing with new players as well. It is fun to synergize with Sneaky and Aphro, even Mike. I think it is just a good experience.

¤ Bjergsen, what is it like playing with players that you never played before? What is it like to play with people that you have known for a long time but never got a chance to play with?

They are actually similar to what I expected. This is because I know Sneaky and Aphro as friends. The way they play and communicate is what I expected I guess. It has been a pretty good time and we have gelled pretty well outside of the game. Unfortunately, this did not lead us into winning. There has not been any hardships or disagreements in the team. We are all just here to do our best and kind of gel as well as we can within this team.

¤ (To Hauntzer) What has Ssong done for the team given the limited time?

I think he is a really smart person. I only met him a couple of days ago. From the few scrims we had, he gave us really good feedback. He has very good reasoning behind his feedback, so you can understand why he is saying that. He is also really confident in what he says. It is really easy to trust him and take away from whatever he says.

¤ (To Bjergsen) You have a 1v1 to play against Faker later today. You are a former 1v1 champion. What are your thoughts on potentially winning it another time given how difficult your bracket is?

I don’t know what my bracket looks like after Faker, but meeting Faker obviously means I haven’t had an easy road. I think it will be a fun match. I think Faker has some tricks up his sleeve like the Nasus and potentially others. I think a lot of it will come down to what match up we are playing. Also on, how good you are at landing skillshots and dodging skillshots. Playing around the relics will also be important.

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