FLY WildTurtle: "What we need right now is confidence, but it’s hard when you’re going 1-6"

Jason “WildTurtle” Tran is perhaps one of the most talked-about players in LCS. After getting his name recognized at TSM, he moved through different teams including the detour to TSM. For as long as he has been in the scene, he also has ruffled as many feathers.

Coming into the Summer Split, WildTurtle, who represented TSM at the last MSI, transferred to FlyQuest to begin anew. At least from the outside looking in, things didn’t immediately look good since simply switching teams don’t usually make players magically return to form. We caught up with WildTurtle, who just finished a tough series against TSM, to hear about his new life, goals, and Doublelift.

▲ FlyQuest Jason "WildTurtle" Tran

How’s the new life in FlyQuest?

It’s been pretty good for the most part. It was a pretty easy transition because I actually knew Hai LemonNation, and Balls personally. I also had interacted with the team’s general admin. It was easy for me to get comfortable with the players. Sometimes when you move teams, it can be pretty hard to adjust to the new environment. It wasn’t the case for me.

In what ways would you say FlyQuest is different from your previous team, TSM?

Compared to TSM, my team is different in many aspects. Maybe we value teamwork and communication a bit more. I know we’re not doing very hot right now with 1-7, but I think those are our major strengths. I guess TSM has strong laners, which has always been their strong point.

How did it feel to play Doublelift today?

It felt pretty good. I haven’t played against him for a really long time and had a good matchup – It was Jhin & Tahm vs Tristana & Thresh, which was good for Jhin. He’s been in the scene as long as I have and is one of the longest-standing ADCs as well.

I’d hate to bring it up, but do you think you’ve recovered from the last MSI?

Last MSI was definitely difficult. Obviously, I’m in a pretty weak spot now, and we’re not doing hot this season. But I do believe we have what it takes to be at least a contender for playoffs and maybe top 3 teams. It’s just going to take time. I think we’ll win tomorrow and continue through other weeks if we practice hard enough. What we really need right now is confidence because it’s hard to gain confidence when you’re 1-6. After we nail all that down, I can start being a top ADC again.

Is there any player who helped you on your feet when you were feeling down?

Huni is definitely the player for that. He’s positive and upbeat and is one of the best teammates I’ve played with. Even when I wasn’t doing well on Immortals, he would always pick me up, which helped me a lot to do better.

What do you think you need to improve as a player?

I think I need to work on translating leads to vision contorl or mid lane. If I’m playing a losing matchup, I should try to not lose my turret and try to minimize the impact on the game. I would say the major point is to capitalize on any type of pressure I have to secure objectives like Dragon or a turret.

What do you think sets you apart from other ADCs in LCS?

I think experience is a really big thing, and I play extremely well under pressure. I have a history of doing decent in regular seasons and playing much better in playoffs. I think those two things are what separates me from other players.

What are your short-term goals at the moment?

Currently, my short term goal is to make the playoffs or try to win in the gauntlet. I really hope we can achieve one of those.

Do you have a message for your fans?

Thank you for your continued support after all this time. I know I haven’t been great in terms of giving back to the community, but I want to change. I’ve always wanted to show my appreciation, and maybe I can do a jersey giveaway or something.

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